Our Motto, Vision and Philosophy

Our Motto: “We prepare students with 21st Century skills today to become the community leaders and global citizens of tomorrow.”

Our Vision : The vision of KKIS is to nurture confident, creative, and well-rounded young learners by providing a world-class education based on the National Curriculum of England. The school aims to inspire curiosity, foster critical thinking, and prepare students to thrive in a globalised world while maintaining a strong connection to Thai culture and values.

Our Philosophy : We believe education is a continual process built on relationships between teachers, students and families – our community! We are all learners in this process of discovery. The family is the child’s first and most enduring teacher and thus it is our responsibility to work in partnership with them so together we can build on and share effective social, emotional, physical and intellectual learning that continues throughout the child’s life.

We believe that children start learning from birth, and that building an applied learn-ing and development approach in the Early Years will encourage progress through school and future life. We adopt an activity-based approach to learning as well as recognise the “sensory” role of “play”. Play is a crucial way in which children make sense of their world. We value and understand what children are seeing in play and what it means for their development across our Curriculum.

Brief History

KK International Preschool is located in the village known as ‘Kasalong Villa’ (Moo 9 Mae Pa in Mae Sot). Kasalong is the name of a tree (also known as Indian Cork Tree) which has a very distinctive park and beautiful small white flowers.

In October 2015, KK English Club opened and started teaching English Courses and English Camps on weekends and school holidays for children 5-13 years old. By 2017, plans were developed to build a private preschool, and KK International Preschool opened May 2018.

In May 2019, a second, larger building was officially opened to accommodate full classes in nursery, Kindergarten 1, 2 and 3 with dedicated space for the all classes, and a fully equipped kitchen, canteen. hall, staff room and main reception.

KK International Primary School began in May 2022 with Grade 1. In September 2022. a consultant was employed to develop our curriculum to meet international standards. KKIPS is currently developing new land near our International Preschool to have the first International Primary School in Mae sot with international standards.

Organizational Structure

Class / Group Organisation

Details Pre Nursery Nursery KG 1* KG 2* KG 3*
Age Group
1 to 2 years old
2 to 3 years old
3 to 4 years old
4 to 5 years old
5 to 6+ years old
Class size
Maximum 15 children
Maximum 20 children
Maximum 20 children
Maximum 20 children
Maximum 20 children

Note :  There is some class flexibility to integrate children who develop and learn at different rates (e.g. slower. faster).


We follow the Thai government school year with two terms :

  • Term 1 :   Mid May – September

  • Term 2 :   November – Mid March

  • Please see Appendix for Annual Calendar

Weekend and School Holiday Clubs :

  • Play and Learn: April and October (ages 1-4)

  • English Camp: April and October (ages 2-13)

  • Weekend Club: Every Saturday during the two school terms

Public Holidays :

We follow the Thai School Calendar for public holidays; variations are announced in advance.  

Preschool Uniform

Our uniform is available from our Administrative Officer.

School Uniform

Sport Uniform

What to Bring: Pre-Nursery and Nursery

Each day

1). spare sets of clothes (top and bottom)

2). Nappies / diapers / pull ups (as needed)

3). Water bottle

4). Formula milk (as needed)

5). Bag


To be left at school 

1).  Toothbrush and toothpaste with small

2).  plastic mug/cup

3).  Old T-shirt for messy play (e.g. mud, paint)

4).  Outdoor waterproof shoes (all year)

5).  Outdoor waterproof jacket (rainy season)

6).  Rest mat (taken home at weekend for washing)

What to Bring: Pre-Nursery and Nursery

Each day

1).  Set of spare clothes (top and   bottom)

2).  Water bottle

3).  Formula milk (as needed)

4).  Bag



To be left at school 

1).  Toothbrush and toothpaste with small

2).  plastic mug/cup

3).  Old T-shirt for messy play (e.g. mud, paint)

4).  Outdoor waterproof shoes (all year)

5).  Outdoor waterproof jacket (rainy season)

6).  Rest mat (taken home at weekend for washing)

What to Bring: Pre-Nursery and Nursery


Our programme operates between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm from Monday to Friday. The first session (Together Time) begins at 9.00 am so it is important that children arrive by 8.50 am at the latest. During these times, external doors and gates are locked to ensure your child’s safety; entry is by special arrangement (e.g., bell). Children are not allowed to leave the premises without permission from the family.

Arrivals / Departure Nursery and Kindergarten

You can leave your child between 8.15 am – 8.45 am. Any regular variations to these times should be negotiated with us in advance; occasional times, just call to let us know!


You can leave your child between 8.15 am – 8.45 am. Any regular variations to these times should be negotiated with us in advance; occasional times, just call to let us know!


We will only allow your child to go home with the adults specified on your Application / Registration Form / Family Consent Form (e.g., parent, grand parent, care giver). As above, we negotiate variations and appreciate a call.

After School Club

To cover families who are not able to collect their children at 3.30 pm, we offer a supervised session until 4.30pm.

Late Departures

Please collect your child between 3.00 – 3.30pm; regular late collection will include the above ‘After School Club’ fee.

Child Protection

We never use physical (e.g., smack, hit, pinch, pull), verbal (e.g., shouting) or emotional abuse (e.g., humiliate, bully) and no visitor or parent is allowed to be alone, unsupervised with children other than their own. New staff undergo a verified criminal background check prior to employment and we require references from previous employers. During probationary period, staff are not allowed to be on their own with children and are not allowed to help children in the toilet / nappy chang-ing until they have completed their probation (i.e., during their first three months of employment with us). If we suspect a child is being abused (i.e., not at KK) we meet with family to share our concerns and take follow up steps as appropriate.


We never use physical (e.g., smack, hit, pinch, pull), verbal (e.g., shouting) or emotional abuse (e.g., humiliate, bully) and no visitor or parent is allowed to be alone, unsupervised with children other than their own. New staff undergo a verified criminal background check prior to employment and we require references from previous employers. During probationary period, staff are not allowed to be on their own with children and are not allowed to help children in the toilet / nappy chang-ing until they have completed their probation (i.e., during their first three months of employment with us). If we suspect a child is being abused (i.e., not at KK) we meet with family to share our concerns and take follow up steps as appropriate.


We have a consistent and rigorous approach to hygiene. Our buildings, grounds and garden are kept clean and hygienic and food preparation, storage and serving meets international hygiene standards (e.g., clean, storage, vermin).

We are working towards reducing the use of chemical cleaning products and the products we use are kept out of children’s reach. We teach children how to use the toilet correctly and when and how to wash their hands (e.g., always after petting animals or messy play, before eating, drinking and sleeping and after coughing and blowing or wiping the nose). Nappy changing facilities and dis-posal are strictly controlled.


We provide healthy and nutritious lunches so that your child has a balanced  diet each day (e.g., protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Our lunch menu includes Thai and international options. Afternoon snacks include fruit  and savoury options and we avoid foods that have high sugar or salt content  or artificial flavourings and colourings. We aim to purchase locally produced, in season fruit, vegetables and meat and restrict our use of imported produce.   We work with families to ensure special allergies and dietary requirements are  accommodated according to those highlighted on your Application Form.  Your child does not need to bring in additional food or drink.  We encourage  families to work with us to develop good eating habits which include : 

• Washing hands before eating and drinking

• Sitting down whilst eating, and eating unaided with utensils (e.g., spoon, fork)

• Self-serve portions which should include a little bit of everything

• Limiting the time for consuming meals and snacks

• Clear table, wash utensils, clean teeth.


Our attention to good hygiene practice should have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of your child (e.g., hand washing, sneezing, coughing) as we aim to manage and reduce the spread of illness and infections. Your child should not come to school if he / she is not fully fit (see below ‘Infection Control’).  However, we work collaboratively with the family to ensure a flexible approach to children with special health needs (e.g., asthma). If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will call you immediately. In emergency cases your child will be taken to our nearest hospital (see above under Safety), whilst contacting you.  We have a ‘chill space’ in the Reception with one to one (1:1) supervision so your child can rest if necessary and whilst waiting for their parent to collect them. 

Infection Control

We ask families to let us know if their child is sick and not coming to school. This  allows us to monitor outbreaks and respond as appropriate.  For example, if there are a number of cases, we will take special precautions like taking temperatures on arrival, disinfecting specific areas and / or materials.  Please follow the below guidelines : 

• Our COVID-19 policy requires wearing of masks at all times, and regular wash-ing of hands. An ATK kit is to be used every Monday for each student with photograph of result sent to KKIPS before arriving at school. As of January 2023, we may relax these regulations with the reduction in cases, locally and globally.

• After a fever, a child’s temperature must be normal (98.6 Fahrenheit / 37 Celsius) for 24 hours before returning to school.

• If antibiotics are prescribed, a child must be on them 48 hours before return-ing.

• If your child requires medication at school, we need you to email us with written instructions for our focal point person to administer the medication. Medications must be labelled with your child’s name; they are kept out of reach in the refrigerator.

• An unidentified rash, blister (e.g., hand, foot, mouth disease), chicken pox, or pink eye requires exclusion.

• Chicken Pox: Your child may not return to school until after the sixth day of the onset of the rash.; the lesions must be dry and crusted.

• Pink Eye: Your child should have been taking antibiotic at least 48 hours before returning to school or their eyes have returned to normal.

• Vomiting and Diarrhea requires a 24-hour exclusion after the symptoms have stopped (e.g., approximately 48 hours).

• Contagious illnesses must be reported to us as soon as confirmed (e.g., after visit to the doctor / hospital) so we can let other families know what to look for in their child (names of the infected child / family will not be shared).  We require notification of all illnesses including those highlighted above (hand, foot and mouth; chicken pox, pink eye, diarrhea, vomiting) and strep throat, pneumonia, head lice, measles, hepatitis, scarlet fever and flu.

• If you child is coughing and / or sneezing excessively he / she is likely to feel unwell and be reluctant to attend; home is the best place with plenty of cuddles and fluids.

School Transport

We provide transport for all outings and field trips; our insurance covers accidents that may occur on such trips. We do not provide a school bus service. 

Safety and Security

We have various systems in place to ensure your child’s safety. He / she is closely monitored throughout the day under the direct supervision of the Lead Teacher or Assistant Teacher. Children are never left on their own. We have systems in place to manage and report accidents (e.g., falling over, child to child contact) and all staff have basic First Aid knowledge (e.g., recognising symptoms). The Accident and  Incident focal point person supervises minor remedial treatments (e.g., cleaning wound, taking temperature) and reports to family. The focal point is a certified First Aider. If you child is involved in a serious accident or incident we telephone you immediately and if necessary transport them to our nearest hospital (Nakorn Mae- Sot International). We have been inspected by Mae Sot Fire Department and follow their advice in terms of prevention and emergencies which includes a focal point person who manages regular fire drills and ensures equipment is maintained (e.g., fire extinguishers, kitchen fire blanket). We also conduct annual fire and safety drills supervised by local Fire Brigade. Access to the kitchen is strictly managed; children are only allowed to enter the kitchen in small groups for food preparation and  cooking classes. We have CCTV in all areas of the two buildings; it is used to review accidents and incidents as well as out of our security. We reserve the right to main-tain all data recorded in the CCTV system. Families are responsible for maintaining the safety of their children when they are outside the school compound (e.g., on the road at the beginning and end of each school day).  


We have group insurance with the company. In case of accident, please contact Admin for more information and cooperation. 


We do not treat children differently or discriminate according to their colour, creed, nationality, gender, ethnicity, religion, gender or disability. We teach children to know about and respect difference and to support those from differ-ent backgrounds and circumstances.   

Special Education Needs (SEN)

Although we see each child and family as unique (e.g., special) some children need additional support if they are to achieve their full potential. We welcome children with specific needs (e.g., delayed development, autism). If you know or suspects your child has additional needs, or you are worried about any aspect of his/her development, please discuss this with us at the time of registration so that we can assess their needs and work closely with you and other professionals to help your child to grow and learn.   


All records and information relating to you and your child are shared internally with teachers on a ‘need to know’ basis. If we are asked to share information (e.g., with ministry officials), we always obtain your written permission. We expect families to adhere to this principle and to respect the privacy and confidentiality of other children and families. Families need to adhere to this principle outside the school and on social media (i.e., personal names, family details, photographs). 

Families as Partners

It is essential that families work with us as partners; this means that we want families to know and understand what we do and why we do it so that they can replicate and reinforce at home.  We use ‘families’ as opposed to ‘parents’ because we understand that grandparents and other significant care givers (e.g., nanny)  provide some of the everyday support in the home. 

In order to do this, we communicate and collaborate in various ways :

• Application and Registration Forms provide us with the information to get to know your child in depth 

• Open days for new families (twice per year) • Orientation for new families (includes expectations and family responsibilities) • Daily updates via social media (FB : English Club, Line ID : kk-englishclub) 

• Daily updates (face to face) when leaving or collecting your child 

• Weekly information on family noticeboard to share curriculum (e.g., projects), menus and other important health issues 

• Formal family-teacher meeting twice per year (6 weeks after starting / Septem-ber and February with written feedback report 

• Social functions and events (twice per year) 

• By appointment /special arrangement, according to school and family needs 

• Nominated /family for each year group to provide a formal link between home and school (Please see Appendix: Family Liaison Representative).